Pokemon Rumble World みんなのポケモンスクランブル ![]() |
General information | |
Platform | Nintendo 3DS |
Developed by | Ambrella |
Published by | Nintendo |
Players |
Single Player |
Generation | Generation VI |
Predecessor | Pokemon Rumble U |
Release dates | |
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April 8th, 2015 |
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April 8th, 2015 |
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April 8th, 2015 |
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April 8th, 2015 |

The game follows similar gameplay mechanics to the other Pokémon Rumble games and features 719 Pokémon, up to the sixth generation. New fun features have also been added, as Balloon Travelling and the Special Stone Shop. Pokemon Rumble World acts as the predecessor for the Wii U's Pokemon Rumble U and is due to be succeeded by the iOS/Android app "Pokéland" which is yet to be released.
The game starts out with the player visiting the King of the Kingdom of Toys. The king got humiliated by a magician who had 10 Pokémon while the King owned only a single Pikachu. The King asks for the player's help, by giving them his Pikachu and sending them on a Pokémon collecting quest.The player uses the air balloon to travel to the King's Training Field, where they manage to catch a Treecko and a Torchic. Upon returning to the King, he will be pleased with the player's progress and officially nominate them as an adventurer. Next, the player will move to the castle's courtyard, from which they'll visit different areas and go through various adventures.
The game introduces the sixth generation Pokémon to the Pokémon Rumble series, with a total of 719 Pokémon available. It also features the Rusty Pokémon from Pokémon Rumble Blast. Like the previous games, many of these Pokémon could be caught during the stages, while others are only available through special methods.
Legendary Pokémon:
The legendary Pokémon are extremely rare, as they will have a very low chance to appear randomly. Most of these require that the player, first, visits the Special Area of the stage they appear in. Moreover, the player must also have three stars on that stage. If they're lucky enough, the legendary Pokémon will appear as a boss, with a very low chance of being caught. Some of these, like Giratina and Deoxys have several forms and will appear in a random one, when they're encountered. So the player would have to visit the stage and go through the whole process again, if they want to acquire them in alternate forms.Legendary Pokémon | Location | Sub Area | Pokémon Type | |
Articuno | Dark Land | Ice Floe Island | Ice | Flying |
Zapdos | Fairy Land | Ancient Stronghold | Electric | Flying |
Moltres | Origin Hideaway | Secluded Volcanic Chasm | Fire | Flying |
Mewtwo | Origin Hideaway | Super Gene Laboratorium | Psyhich | |
Raikou | Dark Land | Royal Armory | Electric | |
Entei | Silver Isles | Bewildering Caves | Fire | |
Suicune | Gold Plateau | Purifying Pond | Water | |
Lugia | Silver Isles | Windy Sea | Psychic | Flying |
Ho-Oh | Gold Plateau | Revival Mountain | Fire | Flying |
Celebi | Starlight Islands | Time Leap Plains | Grass | Psychic |
Regirock | Fairy Land | Guardian's Peak | Rock | |
Regice | Pearl Marsh | Aurora Ice Field | Ice | |
Registeel | Diamond Crater | Fix Up Factory | Steel | |
Latias | Ruby Volcano | Giant Redwood | Psychic | Dragon |
Latios | Sapphire Sea | Blue Tower | Psychic | Dragon |
Kyogre | Sapphire Sea | Sea of Origin | Water | |
Groudon | Ruby Volcano | Smoldering Caldera | Ground | |
Rayquaza | Legend Terrain | Sky Crest Range | Dragon | Flying |
Deoxys | Legend Terrain | Meteorite Parkland | Psychic | |
Dialga | Diamond Crater | Rock Chasm | Dragon | Steel |
Palkia | Pearl Marsh | Pearl Lake | Dragon | Water |
Heatran | Diamond Crater | Smelting Forge | Fire | Steel |
Regigigas | Origin Hideaway | Super Aura Test Lab | Normal | |
Giratina | Distortion Land | Withered Cemetery | Dragon | Ghost |
Cresselia | Pearl Marsh | Colossal Tree | Psychic | |
Manaphy | Distortion Land | Vast Ocean | Water | |
Darkrai | Legend Terrain | Tomb of Nightmares | Dark | |
Shaymin | Distortion Land | Gracious Woodlands | Grass | |
Arceus | Legend Terrain | Bastion of Beginnings | Normal | |
Victini | Starlight Islands | Volcanic Ravine | Fire | Psychic |
Cobalion | Plasma Tundra | Sacred Blade Cliff | Steel | Fight |
Terrakion | Black Realm | Rugged Flats | Rock | Fight |
Virizion | White Ruins | Everspring Valley | Grass | Fight |
Tornadus | Black Realm | Blustery Grove | Flying | |
Thundurus | White Ruins | Rumbling Hall | Flying | Electric |
Reshiram | Black Realm | Obsidian Shrine | Dragon | Fire |
Zekrom | White Ruins | Ivory Pillar | Dragon | Electric |
Landorus | Plasma Tundra | Abdundant Orchard | Flying | Ground |
Kyurem | Plasma Tundra | Frosty Alps | Dragon | Ice |
Keldeo | Distrortion Land | Outermost Snowfield | Water | Fight |
Meloetta | Plasma Tundra | Waltzing Glade | Psychic | Normal |
Genesect | Legend Terrain | Primeval Thicket | Bug | Steel |
Xerneas | Fairy Land | Pixie Glen | Fairy | |
Yveltal | Dark Land | Chilling Graveyard | Flying | Dark |
Zygarde | Starlight Islands | Surveillance Dunes | Dragon | Ground |
Diancie | Legend Terrain | Mineral Crust Hollow | Fairy | Rock |
Password Pokémon:
After acquiring an Adventure Rank above level 4, the player can type passwords at the Password option, while in the courtyard. The Pokémon will be received upon visiting the King. These Pokémon do not give coins when released, to avoid the abuse of passwords.Pokémon Passwords for the Japanese Version | |
Pokémon | Passwords |
Torchic | 51803567 |
Treecko | 78809335 |
Piplup | 38220972 |
Fennekin | 91336986 |
Turtwig | 61709425 |
Froakie | 58410198 |
Chespin | 80837953 |
Pikachu | 45439916 |
Eevee | 24771725 |
Flareon | 70025653 |
Vaporeon | 82934904 |
Dedenne | 14854526 |
Noibat | 24541815 |
Wurmple | 58143160 |
Meowth | 47219375 |
Inkay | 89548655 |
Riolu | 96465637 |
Hitmontop | 98361402 |
Chansey | 30743419 |
Charizard | 41169311 |
Doublade | 98114402 |
Heracross | 40442690 |
Slowbro | 62965164 |

An official artwork of some mons gettin' ready to Rumble!
Pokémon Passwords for the European Version | |
Pokémon | Passwords |
Pikachu | 70403360 |
Turtwig | 70959041 |
Treecko | 92293728 |
Torchic | 95359778 |
Fennekin | 31757866 |
Chespin | 87456259 |
Froakie | 77394523 |
Hawlucha | 98920358 |
Litleo | 62465323 |
Swirlix | 75842984 |
Riolu | 43522297 |
Ralts | 25826431 |
Meowth | 50675021 |
Dedenne | 31587215 |
Cubchoo | 43777681 |
Meowstic | 38676454 |
Noibat | 07646766 |
Togepi | 40909306 |
Eevee | 46657585 |
Flareon | 18985769 |
Vaporeon | 23871470 |
Jolteon | 03339202 |
Wurmple | 79075980 |
Pancham | 24197410 |
Pumpkaboo | 05049128 |
Klefki | 37760163 |
Zoroark | 88236729 |
Hitmontop | 67997111 |
Smeargle | 35325215 |
Inkay | 26665300 |
Slowbro | 62660674 |
Heracross | 32542580 |
Doublade | 17428954 |
Charizard | 52378511 |
Kangaskhan | 01346893 |
Chansey | 87337896 |
Hydreigon | 80501954 |
Pokémon Passwords for the North American Version | |
Pokémon | Passwords |
Treecko | 70095874 |
Hawlucha | 16638918 |
Torchic | 28563187 |
Turtwig | 88252527 |
Riolu | 97096330 |
Froakie | 80458867 |
Fennekin | 00633377 |
Pikachu | 71001385 |
Cubchoo | 61211248 |
Ralts | 64297438 |
Meowstic | 87924051 |
Meowth | 70913926 |
Chespin | 08804218 |
Togepi | 04730723 |
Pancham | 18294319 |
Litleo | 08812138 |
Wurmple | 59190563 |
Swirlix | 45484632 |
Noibat | 33704576 |
Smeargle | 18014401 |
Eevee | 45177014 |
Flareon | 21470161 |
Vaporeon | 36984523 |
Jolteon | 44599989 |
Klefki | 92955036 |
Pumpkaboo | 15681339 |
Hitmontop | 98361402 |
Dedenne | 64981939 |
Chansey | 79674426 |
Zoroark | 56770827 |
Doublade | 27418406 |
Charizard | 16607716 |
Heracross | 40442690 |
Kangaskhan | 25637504 |
Slowbro | 09383536 |
Hydreigon | 25576005 |
Rusty Pokémon:
After reaching Adventure Rank 50, the player will start finding Rusty Pokémon. These Pokémon can only use the ability Struggle and have a crimson colored name. As the player reaches rank 58, they'll get a challenge from the King, which will provide them with a Rust Removal Spot, upon completion. The player will be able to cleanse their first Rusty Pokémon, at the Rust Removal Spot, for free. Afterwards, the cleansing process would cost them 1 Poké Diamond per Pokémon.Locations & Areas
The King's Castle:
It is the place where the game starts and the home of the King of the Kingdom of Toys. The player would have to visit the castle, in order to check their Adventure Ranking progress and obtain challenges from the King.The King's Training Field:
This location can only be visited at the start of the game, allowing the player to catch their very first two Pokémon. One should note that the bosses on this level are uncatchable.Castle Courtyard:
The courtyard is the main hub of the game, where the player can access different facilities and interact with the Miis there. There, the player will be controlling a Pokémon, instead of their own Mii which willl be found idle there. The player has to press the A button, in order to interact with any of the Miis. If the player intracts with their own Mii, it might try to hold the Pokémon after it jumps into its hands. If the Pokémon is big in size, it will squash the Mii.The player's Mii, might also dance with the Pokémon, pet it or even feed it. If the player had interacted with other players owning the game, through StreetPass, their Miis will spawn at the courtyard. There can be only up to four Miis present at a time.
Each day, the Mii which was encountered the latest would replace one of the present Miis. The most recent Mii to arrive in the courtyard might offer the player one to three Poké Diamonds. If the player interacts with the other Miis, they might offer to take the Pokémon to a "Special Treat" area of a certain stage. If the player doesn't have the balloon for the stage, they'll pay one Poké Diamond to enter. If they do have the balloon, they'll pay 500 Play Coins as entry fee, instead.
As the player gains a higher Adventure Ranking, they'll unlock more areas to visit. Each area has up to six stages and contains different species of Pokémon. In order to visit these areas, the player must buy their respective balloons.Area | Pokémon inhabiting the Area | Adventure Ranking Needed | Balloon used | Balloon Cost | Balloon Cooldown |
Ember Mountains | Fire Type Pokémon | No ranking required | Leafy Balloon | 10 Poké Diamonds | 30 Minutes |
Dewdrop Bay | Water Type Pokémon | No ranking required | Dew Balloon | 10 Poké Diamonds | 30 Minutes |
Leafy Expanse | Grass Type Pokémon | No ranking required | Leafy Balloon | 10 Poké Diamonds | 30 Minutes |
Sapphire Sea | Pokémon from the Hoenn Region | 5 | Sapphire Balloon | 20 Poké Diamonds | 1 Hour |
Ruby Volcano | Pokémon from the Hoenn Region | 5 | Ruby Balloon | 20 Poké Diamonds | 1 Hour |
Silver Isles | Pokémon from the Johto Region | 10 | Silver Balloon | 30 Poké Diamonds | 2 Hours |
Gold Plateau | Pokémon from the Johto Region | 10 | Gold Balloon | 30 Poké Diamonds | 2 Hours |
Pearl Marsh | Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region | 15 | Pearl Balloon | 50 Poké Diamonds | 3 Hours |
Diamond Crater | Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region | 15 | Diamond Balloon | 50 Poké Diamonds | 3 Hours |
Black Realm | Pokémon from the Unova Region | 20 | Black Balloon | 70 Poké Diamonds | 4 Hours |
White Ruins | Pokémon from the Unova Region | 20 | White Balloon | 70 Poké Diamonds | 4 Hours |
Dark Land | Pokémon from the Kalos Region | 25 | Dark Balloon | 90 Poké Diamonds | 5 Hours |
Fairy Land | Pokémon from the Kalos Region | 25 | Fairy Balloon | 90 Poké Diamonds | 5 Hours |
Origin Hideaway | Pokémon from the Kalos Region | 30 | Origin Balloon | 100 Poké Diamonds | 6 Hours |
Changing Land | Mostly Uncaught Pokémon | 33 | Lucky Balloon | Free | 20 Hours |
Starlight Islands | Strong Pokémon | 35 | Starlight Balloon | 120 Poké Diamonds | 8 Hours |
Distortion Land | Strong Pokémon | 40 | Distortion Balloon | 140 Poké Diamonds | 8 Hours |
Plasma Tundra | Strong Pokémon | 45 | Plasma Tundra | 160 Poké Diamonds | 8 Hours |
Legend Terrain | Special Pokémon | 50 | Legend Balloon | 200 Poké Diamonds | 10 Hours |
The Balloon Stop:
Here the player can select one of the balloons they have unlocked and use them to travel to an adventure. After selecting a balloon, a level will be randomly selected, using a roulette. Using a balloon will put it on cooldown that varies from a balloon to another. The player can pay Poké Diamonds to remove the cooldown.
A poster from Pokemon Rumble World's official art set.
Gameplay & Features
Similarly to the previous Pokémon Rumble Games, the player must use a Mii Pokémon to battle waves of monsters in various stages, while capturing some of them. At the end of each stage, there's a Boss battle, where the Boss's hp bar must be depleted to score a win. The player's Pokémon does still have only two attack skill moves, which can be changed and new ones can be learned. Unlike, the previous games though, the player's own Mii will send the Pokémon to the different stages and wait for them at their end. The stages are now randomly picked and the Pokémon Miis are smaller in size than the human Miis. Challenges:
These are the challenges the King sends the player through. Completing a challenge will unlock the next one on the day after, but the player can access additional challenges earlier, if they reach the required Adventure Rank. These challenges award items, backgrounds and Mii clothing. The player will also earn five Poké Diamonds for completing the challenge's main objective and two Poké Diamonds for each secondary objective. If the main objective isn't completed, no rewards would be earned. If the player manages to get all the rewards from a challenge, they won't earn anything else from repeating them.Challenge | Objectives | Pokémon Power | Adventure Rank required to access earlier | Extra Rewards |
Magician's Challenge |
100+ | None | None |
First Errand |
200+ | None | None |
Royal Competition |
300+ | 11 | None |
Restaurant Opening |
400+ | 13 | Chef Outfit |
Royal Competition Round 2 |
480+ | 15 | None |
The Phantom Thief Appears |
540+ | 17 | Timing Stop |
Royal Competition Round 3 |
640+ | 19 | None |
The Dark Emperor's Army |
Unknown | 21 | Magician Outfit |
Royal Competition Round 4 |
780+ | 23 | None |
Catch the Garden Intruder |
820+ | 26 | Move Tutor Shop |
Royal Competition Round 5 |
920+ | 29 | None |
Riad of the Mighty General |
Unknown | 33 | Bandit Outfit & Special Stone Set |
Royal Competition Round 6 |
1060+ | 36 | None |
Moonlight Ball |
1100+ | 39 | Jail |
Royal Quarterfinals |
1200+ | 42 | None |
Supersonic Ninja Tricks |
Unknown | 45 | Phantom Thief Outfit |
Royal Semifinals |
1340+ | 48 | None |
The King's Adventure |
1380+ | 51 | 6 Poké Diamonds(as a reward for the main objective), Safari Outfit & Hunt Club Outfit |
Royal Finals |
1480+ | 55 | None |
Dragon Marshal Advance |
Unknown | 58 | Rust Removal Spot |
King's Choice Competition |
1600+ | 61 | None |
Dragon Marshal Face Off |
Unknown | 62 | Prince Outfit |
Prince's Return Competition |
1720 | 63 | None |
The Dark Four |
Unknown | 64 | Gold Frame |
Battle the Dark Emperor |
Unknown | 65 | King Outfit |
World Championship |
Unknown | 70 | None |
The Phantom Thief Returns |
Unknown | 75 | Princess Outfit |
World Championship X |
Unknown | 78 | None |
The shop is where the player can buy items of all sorts. The higher the player's Adventure Rank, the more items they'll have in the shop. The Shop does also contain items, which are available on for a day and change on a daily basis. The items available for sell include balloons, which will unlock certain areas. The player can also buy items that affect: the Pokémon stats, storage slots and even the Pokémon encounter rate. The Mii running the shop might change everyday, if the player had encountered many other players using the Street Pass. Each one of the players' Miis will be selected to run the shop.
The game features two types of currency: the Poké Points and the Poké Diamonds. The Poké Points are the normal currency earned on most game stages, with which the player can buy different items from the shop. Poké Diamonds, can also be acquired in game but in way harder and more limited ways than the Poké Points.Some of the Miis the player encounters might give them Poké Diamonds, with a limit of 4 on the Diamonds received from Miis. Completing challenges would also provide the player with a small amount of Poké Diamonds. Additionally, this currency can be bought using real money from the Nintendo eShop option, at the shop. The higher the quantity the player buys, the more money they save on the purchase. Sometimes, the Poké Diamonds go on sale, allowing the player to buy them for way lower prices.
This special currency can help the player progress faster, as it is used on most game features such as resetting the balloon's cooldowns or buying useful items from the shop. If the player reaches the maximum number of Poké Diamonds, the Poké Diamond Digger special building will appear. This building will sell the player two VIP cards. One would make the refresh cost of the balloons' cooldowns cost 1 Poké Diamond, while the other will reduce the cost of the Timing Stop feature to 1 Poké Diamond.
Timing Stop:
After the player finishes the challenge "The Phantom Thief Returns", a special item for time manipulation is unlocked at the shop. If the player buys the item, they can slow time at the stage selection spinning roulette, by pressing the button X. As the time is way slower, the player can now simply pick which stage they want to visit next. Timing Stop, however, does cost the player 2 Poké Diamonds when performed.Fever and Super Fever:
As the stage gets selected, the player might receive a notification that the area they're visiting is in "Fever Time". This means that additional stars were distributed on the level, increasing the chance to meet rare Pokémon. If this happens Twice, it becomes "Super Fever", with more stars and rarer Pokémon.Mega Evolutions:
Pokémon Rumble World introduces the Mega Evolution feature to the Pokémon Rumble series. After reaching Adventure Rank 33, the Stone Shop will appear and will be selling Mega Evolution Stone. The player must pay five Poké Diamonds to equip a Pokémon with one. During the stages, if the Pokémon used has a Mega Stone, the player can simply press the Mega Evolution button to initiate it. A cutscene is then shown and the Pokémon Mega Evolves. The Pokémon's stats would change to those of its Mega Evolution and it will stay in that form until the end of the level.Learning Pokémon Moves:
Upon finishing the "Catch the Garden Intruder" challenge, the Move Tutor Shop appears, allowing the player to switch their Pokémon Moves or teach them new ones.Videos
Check out these videos of Pokemon Rumble World including the opening/intro, official trailer and some Lets Play action.Official Nintendo eShop Trailer
The intro and first part of a Lets Play by Poketon96
Trivia & Facts
- Pokémon Rumble World was released on the digital level before being released physically.
- This is the first game in the Pokémon Rumble series in which Mega Evolutions are featured.
Sales Figures
The game didn't sell many copies, as it was first released free to play, reaching only around 110 thousand copies sold in total.Review Scores
Pokémon Rumble World was reasonably well received compared to most freemium style games/apps, earning good scores on major review websites. Let's take a look at these scores:- On GameRankings, the game managed to score 60.23%, over 11 review, while it scored another above average score of 58% over 16 critics, on Metacritic.
- Although the game wasn't reviewed by GameSpot and IGN's executives, the fans on both websites rated the game well enough, giving it scores above 7/10.

Media & Artwork
Official Artwork Gallery from Pokemon Rumble World - A gallery featuring many of the games PokemonBox Art from Pokemon Rumble World including numerous regional variations + editions
Screenshots from Pokemon Rumble World