Retro Pokemon Magazine Scans

Pokemon is not as old a series as say Mario, Zelda or even Sonic the Hedgehog. However given that Pokemon has been around since 1996 that means there has been more than two decades worth of coverage of Pokemon games, the anime, and it's movies so it has a pretty rich history none the less; and to this day Pokémon is current, succesful and some might even argue gaining greater popularity as a new generation of Pokémaniacs are recruited.
Sure it's not the late 90's heyday of Pokémania, that was something special and difficult to reproduce, likewise the late 90s was a different time in the videogame industry. Every console and gaming company seemed to have their own magazine(s) and finding out about previews of upcoming Pokémon titles, or secrets from your favourite games was a pretty magical thing for many. It was inevitable that with the rise of the internet and the professional gaming sites that these magazines would eventually die out as the vast majority have; afterall how is a magazine going to compete with the up to the minute news coverage that these sites offer? simple answer... it isn't.
So here we are in a day of being pounded by up to the minute information on our favourite videogames from big, well known gaming sites and whilst thats far from a bad thing, it just doesn't have the same feel as getting your info from one of those old gaming magazines. So I've set up this section in order to run a weekly retro Pokemon magazine feature, I'll add a 'new' retro article about Pokemon from the 90's and early 2000's each week for your pleasure!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ in order to get the 'latest' editions of retro goodness.
It goes without saying that this section will only contain stuff thats been out of print for a minimum of five years, this should hopefully avoid us stepping on anyones toes or causing any upset to the Magazines/Publishers of the past.